A small hello.

Hello lovely blogging friends!

It’s really nice to be back, even if it’s only for a little while.

I took around a month off from blogging – a month away from writing lots and lots, and sharing difficult things, and connecting to wonderful souls all across the globe. You see, several things happened which prompted me to step away from this world for a little bit. I missed everyone here a lot, but it was good in ways too.

University began and was hectic from the get-go. I’m trying to juggle classes, my research project, co-leading a club, volunteering, working two part-time jobs, married life, house hunting, recovery, and just general life too! I really admire people that can keep their blog up despite living crazy busy lives – go you! I am learning an awful lot, and am loving what I get to study more and more each day. Alongside this there are always so many meetings to attend to, emails to reply to, and plans to make. But I’m happy. And I’m good. It’s a stressful, yet beautiful whirlwind.

In terms on mental health, things are okay. It’s kind of weird though, because apparently I’m not very good at telling when I’m not doing okay. Despite being the busiest that I have ever been, and from my perspective coping better than ever, I have been referred to a specialist centre for a higher level of treatment. It made me laugh a little bit, because I feel that I’m doing better than ever, which may be true, but I guess it shows that we can always keep going upwards. That we can always keep pushing forwards. And it doesn’t necessarily mean that I’m unwell, or that I’m not making progress, as I am, but my therapist said that she would be doing a great disservice to me to not hand my treatment over to people she think could help even more. Have I mentioned that she is one of my favourite people? I am so grateful to her.

Another reason why I had to step away from the blog for a while was due to fear. I was afraid that a couple of people who are very dear to me would find this space, and that my writing would either upset them, or change our relationship in some way. It’s a tricky one. So, I took a few weeks to try and decide what to do with this blog, and where it is going. I don’t want to get rid of it entirely, because the connections it has allowed me to make are too precious, and writing 60 pieces over summer was a great learning experience. However, I have decided to just leave it as it is, where it is. Whatever happens, will happen. And all that has happened so far is amazing conversations with special people. This tool is such a blessing.

Someday soon I would like to write more in depth about what I’m up to this year, because it makes me so happy, and it would be nice to have a living record of it. But for now, I am just going to stick with writing on here irregularly, and with reading blogs irregularly and such. I don’t want to place more pressure and deadlines on myself than necessary, and turn this space into “work”, when it is supposed to be natural, organic and flowing. So we will see what happens.

I’m looking forward to catching up with everyone, and I hope that your todays all around the world are beautiful and peaceful.

Sending lots of love and hugs,


20 thoughts on “A small hello.

    1. Thank-you so much lovely for your support; it means an awful lot! I’m looking forward to properly catching up on your blog soon hopefully. I hope you have been well and that your days have been treating you kindly xx


  1. Welcome back..☺️ And if you feel you’re doing good and feeling good about yourself then definitely you’re moving forward 😊. So worry not.. all will be awesome☺️. I did try to reach you and quote your name/link for the award nominations i had done sometime ago, but you had made your blog private so could not! Hope to see you writing more and feeling good about self more.. take care. ☺️

    Liked by 2 people

  2. This was such a beautiful catch up. Somehow you always manage to write your feelings down so realistically, so eloquently. Finding a balance in life can be a pain in the ass but once you find what works for you everything else just tends to fall into place naturally. I’m glad you will continue to write on here. I completely understand your fear of people you know discovering what you’ve built here. I was terrified. I still am sometimes. But now that a handful of people in my life know about my blog, I feel closer to them. It was hard for me to let them in but in hindsight I’m really glad I did. xx

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    1. Lovely Fiona, thank-you so much for your kind words! And wow, I admire so much your bravery at letting some people into your space, your blog. That is definitely a tough thing to do. So well done to you lovely! I’m looking forward to catching up on your blog soon hopefully, and I hope life is treating your kindly! Big love and hugs xx

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    1. Chloe you sweet thing! Thank-you so much for your beautiful support. I have missed all of you guys too, and I’m looking forward to properly catching up on everything soon hopefully! Sending lots of love and hugs your way xoxo

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  3. I’m glad you’re back. I went through the same fear of people in my personal life finding my blog. Now, however, I share it with as many people as possible, including those who I feel may be surprised by some of my words. I’m glad you’re going with the flow. It takes the stress out of it.

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